Hi lovely.


I’m so glad you’re here.

You are human. And as a human, you have a finite capacity for working, living and playing in this world. You can’t do it all. None of us can. We’re just sold the belief that somehow, we should be able to. But that’s a myth, created by the capitalist, colonial, patriarchal and ableist systems we live within.

I’m here to call bullshit on that myth, on all the rules we’re told we need to follow, and the ways we’re expected to show up. I’m here to explore how we can reclaim ourselves, and our humanity, and see ourselves as enough exactly as we are.

Because here is what I know to be true: You are not broken. You are enough. You deserve to experience love, pleasure, joy, connection, wonder, rest, and ease. And you aren’t meant to do this whole human-ing thing alone.

I’m Kelsey.

I’m a therapist, writer, and community tender living on the unceded and traditional lands of the SENĆOŦEN & Hul’q’umi’num’ speaking peoples on Salt Spring Island, BC.

I hold space for weary souls who need to remember how to tend to themselves. And I support creative humans, business owners and community leaders to step outside the rigid structures of capitalism and hustle culture, to create, work and live in a way that is more easeful and intentional.

Every week I share a letter over on my Substack, Accidentally, On Purpose, where I explore what it means to craft a well-lived life. I get real, raw, and vulnerable with the hopes that it’ll normalize the very messy experience of being human.

Here is what I believe to be true when it comes to creating lives that feel more easeful, joyful and intentional…

We can find ways to show up in the world without being perpetually exhausted.

Capitalism has taught us how to be "good workers", how to push beyond the capacity of our bodies, often to the point of burn out. But we don't need to operate that way in order to do our work in the world. We can show up and make an impact while taking care of ourselves every step of the way.

We deserve the care and support we need.

We all deserve care and support, from both ourselves and from those around us. And yet so many of us spend so much of our energy tending to others, and neglecting ourselves. We need to remember how to be the caretakers not only of everyone else, but of our own bodies, minds, hearts and spirits instead.

We can become enchanted with our work, our creativity, and our lives once more.

So many of us have become so disenchanted with the world around us. Capitalism has literally relied on our disconnection from ourselves, from nature, from magic and from wonder. But I believe that we can find a sense of enchantment once again - through ritual, radical self-tending, creativity and community.

We don't need to do any of this alone.

We've been sold a lie that something is more worthwhile when we go it alone, that our individual success is more important than community care. But I believe that collaboration and community are where the magic most often happens. I'm committed to you feeling deeply supported in both your work and your life.

Here’s how we can work together:

If you’re looking for a way to support yourself…

I have a handful of courses available that you can complete at your own pace. These are all similar to the type of work I do with my clients in one-on-one sessions, but you can explore them on your own timing and they are far more financially accessible than individual therapy.

If you experience anxiety, check out The Work of Healing Anxiety here.

If you want to connect with and learn to re-parent your inner child, check out Embrace here.

Or if you want to better understand trauma, check out my Understanding Trauma workshop here.

If you want to feel a little less alone…

Every week I share a letter over on my Substack, Accidentally, On Purpose, intended to help you feel a little less alone as we navigate late-stage capitalism together. I get real, raw, and vulnerable with the hopes that it’ll normalize the very messy experience of being human.

If you’re looking for therapy…

I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a Masters in Counselling Psychology. Because of the diversity of the hats I wear, I only take on a very limited number of therapy clients. I have a few spots for new clients open each season, and I charge $150 CAD + tax per 60-minute session. If you would like to set up a free consultation, please send me a message.

Get in touch.